The latest expansion for FINAL FANTASY XIV. Description: A Face Sculpt & Make-Up set affecting Female Miqo’te, Face 104. Its primary function is to measure DPS done by your character and your teammates.

FINAL FANTASY, FINAL FANTASY XIV, FFXIV, SQUARE ENIX, and the SQUARE ⊹♢ Hair mods ( Vanilla ) Hilda's hair for Viera v2 Rae's Fluffy Mashups for Miqo'te F Sol's Macaron hair mashup - Hyur F ♢⊹ Viena C mashup for Ladies ⊹♢ ⊹♢ Viena Mashups for Viera ♢⊹ 2B's Battle-ready Bobs for Viera Curly Mohawk for Viera - hair 9 FAQ. Try it out and take pictures to see the difference! Haruko Katana Weapon Modder on FFXIV, focusing primarily on the elegant weapon known as "Katana" but i do other weaponss too ^.

As many of you have requested, a "short" guide on the Skill Display, I am using in some of my videos.